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Running a binary from an existing webserver on the local machine
I have compiled a binary that is run from a webserver on the local machine and it works fine, except it uses relative paths that don’t exist on the webserver.
I would like to be able to run this binary from the webserver but be able to have it use absolute paths that are local to the webserver instead of the local machine.
How can this be done with no changes to the binary?
As @AndyE said, you can use the exec function of PHP. But instead of running a bare PHP script, you could also use any web server to run your binary instead. For example, you can do this on Apache:
export PATH=$PATH:/my/bin
exec /bin/bash -c “exec /my/bin/binary…”
Basically you tell Apache to use the correct PATH environment variable, but also run /my/bin/binary instead of /my/bin/binary (the quoted part).
Most webservers don’t ship their own version of PATH, but they all have a way to modify the environment that is shared by every PHP script you write. The syntax for the environment variable is: SERVER_NAME:VARIABLE_NAME.
For example, to tell Apache to use the “share” environment variable instead of the “server” environment variable (if you’re using the default location for the paths, this will work as expected, but it doesn’t have to):
export SERVER_NAME=”share”
Alternatively, you could also do something like this (for Apache
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