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Will AC insulation make a difference when building a house in the tropics?
I’m looking at building a house in Cebu, Philippines. It would be in a tropical location, with temperatures of around 30 to 35 degrees Celsius (86 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit) during the day and 20 to 25 degrees Celsius (68 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit) during the night.
I’ll be building a concrete house on a concrete base. The base will be covered with a layer of gravel with a layer of pebbles on top of that. The roof would be built on top of that. There would be a layer of insulation between the roof and the ceiling.
The general rule of thumb that I’ve been following is that I should be able to achieve a thermal efficiency of around R-5 with this system, which means that the heat loss from the house should be roughly equal to the heat gain. However, the energy efficiency requirements for construction is R-6, so I’m not sure whether the insulation would actually make a difference to how the house works.
Any suggestions on how this would work?
30 – 35 F is comfortable for sleep. At this temperature there is little need for any additional insulation.
20 – 25 F is comfortable for work. With minimal added insulation you could meet a thermal efficiency of R-1.5.
I would add that R-0.1 (or better) is a typical value for passively cooled building and even if you have active cooling R-0.5
, 27 Jul 2019, 21:06
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