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How do i delete a resource from a friendfeed fragment

I am trying to delete a resource from a facebook friends feed fragment. I have a context menu setup to load a list of resources from the friends feed but I can not seem to remove items that are already in the friends feed.
Currently I am using the following code to get the data and add them to a list of FriendsResources.
getReadQueries() {
return this._facebook.method(‘readQueries’).call().then(res => {
return res;
setResources: function (friends) {
let self = this;
return this._facebook.method(‘fql.query’, {
query: ‘SELECT uid, name, picture, id, location FROM user WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me())’
}).call(this, friends.map(obj => JSON.parse(obj))).then(res => {
for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { res[i].uid = res[i].uid2; } return res; }); }, getAllFriends: function (callback) { let self = this; return this._facebook.method('fql.query', { query: 'SELECT


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Ybomahtu: Download Tujhyavinmarjavaanmarathimoviedownload 18.03.2020

Ybomahtu is a non-profit technology-driven organization (a 501(c) (3)) with the goal of making technology easy to learn, easy to use, and socially responsible. Ybomahtu is

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